Contact your hosting service or IT team to secure file hosting. If the secure image doesn't load, the location where the image is hosted is likely missing a security cert. Replace any image URLs that reference HTTP to HTTPS. If you're hosting images externally, ensure the image hosting service has a security cert and can deliver images securely.

The Listrak Media Library hosts images securely and can be used in any campaigns, including email, SMS messages, popups, and forms. Upload images to the Listrak Media Library. Keep the tips below in mind if updating images that could not be automatically updated and as you upload images going forward. When authoring Emails and Popups, you will be warned about any non-secure images in the content of the campaign that should be updated. To prepare for this update, Listrak has audited content across all email existing broadcast messages and automated campaigns, templates and saved content, and popups and forms. Chrome will auto-upgrade media to HTTPS, however if there's not a security cert available where the media is hosted, the image will fail to load. Non-secure images and other media referenced as HTTP may appear blocked on secure HTTPS websites. Blocking mixed media content will ensure that secure HTTPS webpages will only download secure files. In January 2021, Google Chrome permanently updated settings in the web browser to block mixed media on secure webpages.